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7 Founders, 9 Pillars, 18 Gold, 30 Silver, 45 Copper
these 2 Strips is printed on a 0.04" Aluminum to Insert on you Aluminum Kiddush sign, SKU 590
No more yelling out page numbers from the bima, no more interrupting davening to talk, no more congregants feeling lost because they’re too embarrassed to ask where the chazzan is holding.
No more yelling out page numbers from the bima, no more interrupting davening to talk, no more congregants feeling lost because they’re too embarrassed to ask where the chazzan is holding.
Happy Sukkot Retractable 30"x69" X Banner Stand
Happy Sukkot Retractable 33"x80" Banner
39 Donor slots
(Level 1 - 12 Slots Level 2 - 27 Slots )
118 Donor slots
(Level 1 - 18 Slots Level 2 - 40 Slots Level 3 - 60 Slots )
118 Donor slots
(Level 1 - 18 Slots Level 2 - 40 Slots Level 3 - 60 Slots )
100 Donor slots
(18 large slots 82 regular slots)
82 Donor slots
(Level 1 - 12 Slots Level 2 - 30 Slots Level 3 - 40 Slots)
82 Donor slots
(Level 1 - 12 Slots Level 2 - 30 Slots Level 3 - 40 Slots)
82 Donor slots + Left and Right Columns
(Level 1 - 12 Slots Level 2 - 30 Slots Level 3 - 40 Slots Sides: 7 Slots Each)
100 Donor slots
(18 large slots 82 regular slots)
100 Donor slots
(18 large slots 82 regular slots)
100 Donor slots
(18 large slots 82 regular slots)
100 Donor slots
(18 large slots 82 regular slots)
Blessing For Torah reading - Translated and Transliterated - סדר ברכת התורה
Blessing For Torah reading - סדר ברכת התורה
Blessing For Torah reading - Translated and Transliterated - סדר ברכת התורה
Brich Shmei - Chabad | פתיחת הארון לבית הכנסת - חב"ד, נוסח האר"י
Kaddish D'Rabanan | קדיש דרבנן
Modim DeRabanan - Chabad | מודים דרבנן לבית הכנסת - חב"ד, נוסח האר"י
סדר הדלקת נרות שבת קודש - חב"ד
סדר הדלקת נרות שבת קודש - חב"ד
סדר הדלקת נרות שבת קודש - חב"ד
Translation & Transliteration Chabad - נוסח אר"י