No more yelling out page numbers from the bima, no more interrupting davening to talk, no more congregants feeling lost because they’re too embarrassed to ask where the chazzan is holding.
No more yelling out page numbers from the bima, no more interrupting davening to talk, no more congregants feeling lost because they’re too embarrassed to ask where the chazzan is holding.
Order this new "Mincha Sign" for your Shul Yeshiva, Work to Display the time of the daily Minyan Mincha printed on durable PVC plastic with clear plastic insert frame to slide in paper with the mincha schedule and location.
Order this new "Mincha Sign" for your Shul Yeshiva, Work to Display the time of the daily Minyan Mincha printed on durable PVC plastic with clear plastic insert frame to slide in paper with the mincha schedule and location.
Order this new "Mincha Sign" for your Shul Yeshiva, Work to Display the time of the daily Minyan Mincha printed on durable PVC plastic with clear plastic insert frame to slide in paper with the mincha schedule and location.
Order this new "Mincha Sign" for your Shul Yeshiva, Work to Display the time of the daily Minyan Mincha printed on durable PVC plastic with clear plastic insert frame to slide in paper with the mincha schedule and location.